Jumpstart Your Success in 2019! Special Entrepreneur-focused opportunity starts Jan 18

Do you really, truly, this time for REAL want 2019 to be “your year”?
The year you FINALLY get out of your own way and put your creative genuius to work!

>> Are you brilliant, energetic, and high energy, but feel scattered and unable to stay focused on what you really want?>> Do you feel passionate and called to make a difference, and, find yourself “all over the place” more often than you would like?
>> Do you yearn for “more” but are not sure of your next move?
>> Do you have a business that is more of a hobby that you would love more than anything to take to the next level but don't believe this is possible?


If you are saying “yes” or “maybe”...read on. Is this you?

You have 2 jobs. One is the job you do for money (or maybe you are the primary family caretaker). The other is the job you do for fun. You like diversity. You tell yourself this is the way it has to be, since your “fun” job can’t earn you real money. You have gifts, you don’t like structure, and you have been told you are “all over the place.” And, let’s face it, your life is pretty full already.

Deep inside, you yearn for more. You wish that you could do what you love. Doesn’t everyone say “do what you love and you will never work another day in your life”? Is that real? How can it be real, not in THIS world of mortgage, insurance, bills of all descriptions? Right?

You may have tried before. Maybe you have tried following your dreams and:
>> gotten distracted
>> burned up all your savings
>> were told you had better get a Real Job
>> and you ended up feeling defeated. Again.

You have been told to “just do it.” “Just get organized. Here is a book. Go read it and do what it says.”

You try the book, you get bored with it, you skip sections, you try a little bit, and it doesn’t work. You give up and feel defeated. Later you get another book. You try again. Maybe you just need another book, “the” book. Or maybe you are not cut out to be focused, organized, and to ramp up your hobby.

Until now. Now you are ready. There is a shift. 2019 is your year to shine.

And shine you will.

Because now, there is a course. It’s a group. This means you have community. This means there are PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU who will walk this road with you. You will not feel weird or dumb or unaccomplished. You will step into your power and your wholeness. And you will do it all under the guidance of Coach Carol, who has walked hundreds just like you down this path to believing and achieving. Confidently.

Our Jumpstart For Success 2019 Program will help you to...


You will finally be able to focus on one thing, “the” thing, that you have been trying to do and just have not been able to find traction/sustained momentum.

Run Your Business Your Way.

Create a business model for YOU so that you keep the momentum going, bringing your life into harmony and your business from hobby to real

Be Real.

Feel courageous, whole, accomplished.

Stop worrying:

About what others think of you, failing, being afraid to “get out there”

Plan with Ease.

Learn the secrets of planning you can live with, without feeling constricted or “scheduled.”

WOW! What would that be like for you?

This is it.  6 Month Program designed for smart, but scattered, Entrepreneurs just like you.   And enrollment is open now!


Program runs from January 18 to  June 21, 2019
Meeting Days:  Fridays from 11am to 12 noon, Eastern time

Included in this 6 month, kick butt program:

>> Meet as a group (virtual) twice each month for a total of 12 one hour sessions

>> Unlimited, private "Just in time" support through a special client portal from your coach

>> Private Facebook group support and collaboration with your classmates

>> Total Investment: only $3,500 (note: private 1:1 coaching for this time frame is over double that amount)

Want to wait until Dec 22? No problem, as long as there is room (I will accept up to 12 people)


Save your Space by January 4th and take advantage of early bird savings and special bonuses!

2 payment options:

>> Pay in full, and save 10% on an early bird rate. Only $2,700 ($800 savings. Wow.)

>> Payment Plan, Total is $3000 ($500 savings!)

  • Payment Detail:  Only $500 deposit holds your spot, then five more payments of $500.

Special Bonuses

EARLYBIRD ONLY....RED ALERT...$2650 in bonuses below BEFORE Jan 4

>> THREE private 40 minute 1:1 Coaching Calls with me (VALUE = $1300)

>> COMPLIMENTARY ACCESS to ALL paid teaching recordings via my Lunchtime Love group calls. (current total $150 and climbing)

>> COMPLIMENTARY ACCESS to The Lunchtime Club (a $400 service starting Feb 2019 where Carol teaches about a topic on the first Monday of Each Month)

Early is good. 

Two Early Options, saving money and getting MORE!

Pay in full and save money on the early bird !  Only $2700....SAVE $800 off regular + $1850 in bonuses....total savings = $2650 (wow)

Make payments on the special early bird rate! Only $3000....$500 Non-Refundable Deposit and (5) $500 payments...SAVE $500 off regular + $1850 in bonuses...total savings $2,350 

AND....you have until FEB 4 in the program to decide if this is "good for you." IF you show up and do the work, and decide "nope it's not for me" .....you are 100% refunded...so there is NO risk to saying YES to yourself.

  • You don't have to "just try a little harder yourself" anymore.
  • You don't have to procrastinate (we know you're really good at this) anymore.
  • It's a gift you give yourself, that will allow you give limitlessly to others. 

>> AFTER Jan 4, It's space available only. 

>> AFTER Jan 4, it's $3500

>> AFTER Jan 4, there are no private calls with Carol, no complimentary access to the bonus recordings, no complimentary access to the Lunchtime Club for "even more."