Note from Carol 

Recently I was interviewed by Jonathan Stark, who is a leader in "ridding the world of hourly billing." 

Here is the show link: CLICK HERE

and if  you don't have Apple, just head to his site (my show will get buried down the line once the next show comes up)

During the interview, Jonathan asked me all kinds of questions about being More Productive. The most common issue that his community experiences, it seems, is "how to free up time to work ON my business..." so we will get right into that one (and lots of other fun and juicy stuff) on the podcast.

In the meantime, I leave you with this: Love Your Seasons and Be Where You Are.

For example, I took the first week (or two-ish) off in July. Loved it! I was On Vacation. And, when I'm on Vacation, I am. And here is what Jonathan loved most (I think) because he even mentioned it on this week's show (a different podcast, Business of Authority) where he quoted one of my client's strategies to work on her business....go to a hotel room! A retreat with herself! She found that "blocking time" when she was in her office just did not work. She needed to unblock HERSELF!

What's your go-to for Thinking Big and Working ON your biz (or your Big Project if you are not in biz for yourself?)

 Hit reply and let me know!

Featured Article

TIME: The Real Truth behind making MORE of it

You want to make it big. You want to make more. You want to be more, to do more but what does that actually mean? What is the truth behind making MORE of it?

Whether it’s your business, a project, or some super fun idea…this is for you.

Here’s the scenario. You have a big dream or vision. Hopefully you have done a little research so that you can see if it has potential to take off (if not, go do this…like…NOW.)

But you’ve got so caught up in the day-to-day and spending time IN the business or idea, you’ve forgotten to spend time ON the business, project, or dream. You’ve lost sight of where you’re going, what you were aiming for and what the true goal was here. So how do you get it back? Here are some ideas.

  • Assess and review – block out time in your calendar each month, whether it be a day or just a few hours, to look at what you’ve achieved in the last month, assess what you did well and what could have been done better and set yourself a goal or a target for the following month.
  • Make a gigantic wall poster or stick post it notes around your house, car or wherever it may be – and remind yourself of what it is you’re doing and what you want to achieve.
  • Shout about it from the rooftops and make yourself accountable – don’t hide away, share your visions with those around you, tell them when and why you’re doing what you’re doing and ask them to follow you up on it, make yourself accountable. A bit of social pressure can go a long way.

Okay, find your mojo but then what? How do you actually make MORE of it?

Read more


Save the date!  August 11th

Building Pathways: Community Networking

If your personal mission is to make life better for others, please join us!

In this hour you will meet fellow heart-centered leaders and foster opportunities for collaboration.

The agenda includes:

  • Group Introductions
  • Breakout Room Connections
  • Featured Member Presentation by Carol WilliamsProductivity can be as easy as baking a cake

Carol will share:

- What so many business owners are doing “out of order” that is causing them time, money and angst

- Critical milestones to hit on each Cake Layer (health, environment, productivity)

- The secret to it all: the icing as your “why.”

Taking place on Zoom from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET.

Register here


Money Abundance Mindset Joyshop, July 28th

Money: How often have you used "I don't have the money right now" as a reason to not do what your soul wants?
If you are like most of us...a lot.
What would it be like to be free of the feeling of "watching every penny" so you don't run out? 
Come find out on 7/28 from 2-3 pm Eastern. My colleague Sharon will be doing a "Money Abundance Joyshop" where, for only $14.99, you will experience "The Sven" (AKA Zen) which, as odd as it sounds....really works! 
Like, you will not feel bound anymore by money! Wow! Come give this a can't afford not's about as much as a Good Lunch!
More info/register HERE 

Want More?

  • Schedule a complimentary 40-minute discovery session here
  • Did someone forward you this newsletter? You can get your own subscription here
  • Have any questions, comments or concern? Leave a note for Carol


Copyright © 2021 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC