Note from Carol 

It's nearly fall and in New Hampshire this means soccer, taking the boat out of the water and thinking about buttoning up for winter. And...two birthdays here in my house!

It also means we kicked off another AWESOME session of STREAMLINE YOUR SUCCESS! Check out all these lovely people (one missing from this pic) who have decided to LEVEL UP and BAKE THEIR SUCCESS CAKE with me as their fearless leader!

How does this relate to Continuous Improvement?

I'm glad you asked!

You see....some of the people are not "first timers" to Streamline Your Success. Some are building their 3rd cake! It truly is "continuous improvement." 

Even if your face is NOT here in this photo, you can work on a Piece of Your Cake. What one piece will you up-level? Will you commit to decluttering your office 15 min per day (Environment Layer)? Will you commit to walking 30 min per day ((Health Layer)? 

It all adds up. Before you know it, you will happily be achieving your goals because you have downloaded your e-book and are taking your steps. Do it! DOWNLOAD YOUR GUIDE HERE!

And don't forget to mark Oct 4th @ NOON eastern for the next Wisdom Warriors (my Free Group!) and bring ME cake because it's my BIRTHDAY! WOOOHOOO! More info to come!

Get your sweaters ready and your oven on,

Coach Carol

Your Fun Productivity Guru



Featured Article

Are we Ever Really DONE?

How to maintain a "continuous improvement" mentality when you feel you have already worked hard

Working hard is needed; some days are better than others, though. As an entrepreneur, we have HIGHS some days and LOWS other days. Sometimes we get into a RUT.


Question: How do all “those” people make it look so easy?

Answer: Hard work, consistency, and self-care.


Hard work:

Don’t be afraid of hard work. A “lucky break” happens when you are prepared (AKA work really hard at being ready) and opportunity knocks.



I just spoke with an entrepreneur who is also a mom of small kids. She has a propensity to bounce around with different interests. What’s missing? Consistency. A plan and clear and steady steps to get there.



In the Productivity Success Cake Model, HEALTH commands the base/bottom layer. Without health we have nothing. Yet, we ignore our health. We are so good at “tricking” ourselves that we can ignore the body’s messages. The body always wins, so my advice is to tune into your needs before you end up in chronic pain, etc. That’s REAL! For example, over the last week I’ve been feeling a virus coming on. Today it exploded. I have been hydrating and cutting all calls short. I have been asking my family for help.


Bonus Tip:

Read more


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Copyright © 2021 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC