Note from Carol 

Many of my people say they don't like goals. I have been musing about that. I think there is something much deeper than meets the eye going on here. They have experiences of not reaching a desired outcome. This is what I have been observing and hearing...

  • "Life got in the way."
  • "I don't think I want to do this anymore; I don't have time to plan it [maybe your program]"
  • "I have too much on my plate."


Which of these sounds familiar? Hit reply and tell me!

When we are super creative, have an ad/hd brain, identify as neurodiverse, consider ourselves a colorful mosaic, have so many interests, or all of the above (!) it can be difficult to actually...***remember*** your goal...your Why. 

What I know can be a really sneaky form of (ssshhhh!) Self-Sabotage. Not completing what you begin is a way to "never fail." It also sets up a brain pattern. "We don't complete things. We get bored. Bored is bad." Then we start hiding. If we hide our start up ideas, then the gremlins of our mind (reflected in those who love us) can't point out that the project/idea is incomplete.

Here is the GREAT news. It can be turned around. We are gonna go through this in detail at Wisdom Warriors in June. In the meantime, here's an article to get you thinking. I want to know, what questions do you have??

Comment in the blog, here, or jump into our community at Unscatterme!

Yours in Green Goddess-y Productivity, your way,

Featured Article

7 ways to stick to your goals when life throws you a curveball 

Many people, particularly neurodiverse folks, avoid “goals” because they have had a history of “failure.” Try as they may, their life is littered with good intentions that do not result in the intended product. As a result, they find themselves not trying, or, when they do try, they expect to fail…and so, guess what? Yes, they do – they “fail.” 

What happens? Most often, “life gets in the way.”

You know, the inconvenient flat tire that makes you late. The unexpected trip to the doctor’s office which derails your week. A trusted supplier letting you down at short notice…The list goes on (and on… and ON!)

Now, these individual problems might not take long to resolve, and their impact is usually minor, but the thing about them is that they all add up to create one big Problem: distraction.

So, how do we combat this distraction like the true Wisdom Warriors we are and make sure we don’t forget our goal? How do we keep our focus when the busy, LOUD old world around us (and our own brains!) keep getting in the way?

These seven steps/tips I’m about to share with you tend to work for most people. Try one or two J

  1. Be Visual.

 If, like me, you like to be able to literally SEE things in front of you, I invite you to start a ‘Goal (intention) (Future Accoomplishment) (Challenge) Board’. It’s easy - all you need is a corkboard, two pieces of string and some post-its! First, use the string to split your board into fourths. Then, write your goals on your post-its and divide them into two: those you want to achieve soonest will live in the top left quarter of the board, and those that are sort of on the backburner for now will go on the bottom left. And then, when you complete a goal, move it across to the right-hand side so you can see how far you’ve come and feel PROUD! I like to keep my board in my home office, as that’s where I go when I want to organize myself, but you might find your kitchen or someplace else works better for you. 

  1. Set Reminders.

 Modern technology can be a real friend to us sometimes, and “goal” setting is no exception! Assuming you’re tied to your phone, use a reminder app to note down your goals and set yourself an alert to pop up during the day to keep those goals in the front of your mind.

**note** when you begin to ignore the reminders shut them off and try something else.

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Copyright © 2022 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC