A Quick Note from Carol



To my beloved Wisdom Warriors people...there will be no Warriors in September. Don't worry, I have a special treat for you....it's an AMA

ZING WORKSHOP INSTEAD! The Warriors (always free) will return 10/4, my birthday.)

You SO want to come to this workshop. Why? Well, instead of 15 min of awesome fun Productivity Success Cake teaching GEMS, you get a Whole Plan for the freaking rest of the YEAR (yes that's right), and you get to GO DEEP (where it counts...) and you get a WORKBOOK with 10 whole pages of AMAZING so you don't "forget" what you did a few days later (yes I'm talking to "you" lol).

Scroll right down to the bottom of this email for the deets! And be sure to get super inspired and educated by the blog, too.


Featured Article

3 ways to make sure your focus is not wasted

In a life where we are constantly trying to focus on a hundred and one things at a time, finding time to actually focus on one thing can be nearly impossible. So how do you make sure you don’t waste time and stay focused when you need it most? How can you regain time, become more productive and feel happier with the outcome and achievements of each day?

 * Create mental space for you to focus by eliminating distractors. Most certainly you will need to work on some sort of technological device, there really is no getting away from it but switch off or remove anything that may cause distractions is the best place to start. Turn the tv off (what are you doing watching TV?), put your phone on aeroplane mode when appropriate, and eliminate all banner notifications…these are all ideas to create a haven of space where you can work without being interrupted. For example, the ringer on my phone is never set to be audible. I cannot imagine being interrupted by all those rings, beeps and pings.

* Take breaks. Build in breaks. And, when your mind wanders, notice this. It might be time to get up, stretch and get a glass of a refreshing drink. Research suggests that the attention span for the average adult is between 12-20 minutes, and this undoubtedly becomes a lot less if distractions are readily available. Here’s the math: - if for every 15 minutes of focus, you spend 5 minutes scrolling through social media, you would be averaging roughly 2 hours a day of mindless scrolling. Try and make your downtime relatively quick and try to keep focus. Overtime you will be able to retrain your attention span to be able to focus for longer periods of time.

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Finish the Year STRONG!!! Don't miss this 90 min workshop 

TUESDAY 9/7/21 1130AM TO 1PM EASTERN (zoom)

buy now: Setup your Final 4 mos. to Finish Strong

  • Are your sales off-course?
  • Need to find REAL ways to get to your goals?
  • Feeling like you're running out of time to get it together?

Imagine knowing exactly how to FINISH THE YEAR STRONG - in your business and your life. 

My popular workshop, the Finish the Year Strong Without the Stress: Sprint! is back on September 7th from 1130am to 1pm EST. Don't miss this; you will be blown away.

Hell YES I am IN!

See you there!



Copyright © 2021 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems


Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC