Hi Carol,

I love my "faults." Do you? I'm in Florida right now and I get to wear shorts. Except...I have ummm....my mom's thighs (love you mom!)

In truth, I grew up in terror that my thighs would be this way. For years, I was fit and muscular and could keep my jiggle at bay. Now I take a more "balanced" approach and love my legs (thanks, Anne Poirier, for that re-frame!)

Anyhow....there are some "traits" we can modify. Some not so much. What if you just loved yourself up exactly as you are?? (Hint, it's not an overnight job!)

In this month’s Wisdom Warriors (free group coaching/training) we’ll be delving deeper into 'why being a “diamond covered in dirt  is not bad for you. Wait, what? Oh yes, this one was TOTALLY inspired by one of my most favorite clients.

We'll learn:

• How to capture the gifts in your “faults”
• The strengths of being neurodiverse: explained
• Learn to easily remedy a trait that is not serving you


You can REGISTER HERE at no cost – more info at the end of this email.

Featured Article

Learn to easily remedy a trait that is not serving you

Do you have a trait or traits that aren’t serving you? How can this be remedied? We all have them, there’s no doubt but what can you do to remedy this? Is it a simple fix or is a new habit needed to wipe out the existing trait?

A trait is a characteristic that influences how we think, feel and act. It’s part of who we are. It gives us personality but what should you do when this trait is stopping you from reaching your goals, getting you stuck in other people’s expectations and how do they develop?

Traits can change over time and are influenced by experiences, belief systems and largely depend on what stage of life we are in. How we act are modeled by these 3 things and are often tricky to untangle. The key thing to remember is that when you let go of what you no longer need, you free up space to attract more of what you want.

So how can be easily remedy these traits that are no longer serving us?

- Identify what the trait is that’s not serving you. Are they traits that you get you into trouble? Do they interfere with your productivity? Knowing what we want to change is the first step to eliminating a trait. Once identified, it’s important to assess and evaluate the impact it has. For example, do you find a lot of negativities in your life? Does this leave you feeling upset or depressed? Or perhaps your perfectionism is stopping you from moving forwards with a goal or plan. The best way to identify a trait that no longer serves it by looking at a range of problems or issues that we have faced in our life and looking how it started. Often, we’ll find that there is always one (the same) trait at the center of it.

Read more


Like this article?  You'll love the Wisdom Warriors!  Book your place on the March call now!

On the 1st Monday (sometimes 2nd!) of each month you can partake of a little brilliance at no cost.

... but you need to opt in IF YOU ARE NOT already PART OF THE CLUB. It's on March 7th at noon Eastern, one hour and right on zoom. We will be discovering 'why being a “diamond covered in dirt” is not bad for you'.

Don't miss it!

Register here


The UNSCATTER ME COMMUNITY is the perfect place to find like minded folks going through the same struggles as you are (too much to do, too little time, how do I focus??) and wanting the same results (off the hamster wheel! Peace and calm! A thriving life AND business.)

>What do you get?

What, besides thousands in "free" coaching? And positivity and motivation, that might just make you LOVE winter or want to tapdance?

  • Quick answers to your current dilemmas…in real time. Don't know what to ask? No worries, we have a new HOT theme each month.
  • The solution to the #1 issue for Entrepreneurs: Collaboration! You can collaborate with like-minded individuals for additional support…in real time AND outside of the group. Did anyone say accountability partner?
  • And even more goodies: You get MUCH more than live calls once a month! You get unlimited Access to past and new group session recordings – to enhance your learning and growing OUTSIDE of our monthly calls

Want to get more focused, organized, and productive than you have EVER been? Let’s see what might happen if you dare to just “read the blogs” to taking the steps to get you to where you want to go, but perhaps have not dared to…. until now.

Free Club membership now please

 I’ll be there! I can’t wait to meet you.


Copyright © 2022 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems


Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC