Hi Carol,

First...how about those appointment reminders?! For those of you in the Wisdom Warriors group, you now know NOT to put Me In Charge of Your Tech. Ugh....my sincere apologies...

And now....for the rest of our program.

I love when I get to use my son as a case study for this stuff!

Last week, I went to see my superstar son, Aaron, who is a 20 year old rockstar and King of Routine. Until he's not. Before our visit, he was telling me how his life was caving in on him. He fell on a cactus (ouch!), was getting threatened from his apartment superintendent with Police Action due to continued Barking Complaints with his Dog, and was realizing he really was not watching his Budget responsibly.

carol and her boy

What happened? Yup, his life went off-kilter. Too much work, not enough routine! 

How are routine and a positive attitude related? How much morning routine is more like a "noose around your neck" than actually helpful? Come to Wisdom Warriors on Monday May 9 and find out!

My latest blog post (below) talks about how a positive attitude and routine can help you up your game and in this month’s Wisdom Warriors we’ll be delving deeper into "Advice from a busy entrepreneur: what made me successful".

Specifically...we'll learn: 

  • How to create momentum when you feel low
  • What gives me a positive attitude consistently
  • Unusual routines that really work 

...and some special surprises from my Arizona trip!

If you are not part of the Group already, you can REGISTER HERE at no cost – more info at the end of this email.

Featured Article

How a positive attitude and routine can help you up your game

Life is what we make it.

I know, I know, that sounds kind of cliché, but it’s TRUE!

Personal Development takes time.  I didn’t emerge from the womb full of know-how and experience (though wouldn’t that have been something?!). I was just like anyone else (I still am, really.)

So, I’m not going to sit here and pretend I have reached a level of awareness and grounded wisdom “with a fun twist and ninja coaching skills” magically. I’ve worked hard and have had more than my fair share of struggles. Do you want to know what REALLY helped me get started?

Two things.

Positivity and routine. And grit (wait…that is three…)

Now, the exact specifics of what worked for me might not work for you. And that’s OKAY. Your journey isn’t going to be the same as mine. That’s the beauty of us as human beings; we’re unique. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some general hints and tricks from my playbook I can share with you that might help CHANGE YOUR LIFE for the better. I’m a firm believer in every little help, and you never know… one of these tips might just be the key that unlocks something inside of you that you didn’t even realize you were missing!

So, when it comes to a more positive outlook on life, I found these three things made a HUGE difference to my attitude…

  • Stop focusing outside of yourself.  Some might say “avoid the rumor mill.”Whether it’s the latest celebrity news or water cooler gossip, negative opinions are all around us. They seep into our brains without us realizing it, poisoning our mindsets and drawing our focus in the opposite direction to the one we want. So, block out that toxicity and ignore those opinions as best you can or, even better, redirect the conversation to something positive and inoffensive. Not only will you feel better… you might just make someone else feel more positive too!

Read more



Like this article?  You'll love the Wisdom Warriors!  Book your place on the May call now!

On the 1st Monday (sometimes 2nd!) of each month you can partake of a little brilliance at no cost.

... but you need to register IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE CLUB. It's on May 9th at noon Eastern, one hour and right on zoom. We will be discovering "Advice from a busy entrepreneur: what made me successful".

Don't miss it!

Register here


>What's it Like at Wisdom Warriors?

  • Quick answers to your current dilemmas…in real time. Don't know what to ask? No worries, we have a new HOT theme each month.
  • The solution to the #1 issue for Entrepreneurs: Collaboration! You can collaborate with like-minded individuals for additional support…in real time AND outside of the group. Did anyone say accountability partner?
  • And even more goodies: You get MUCH more than live calls once a month! You get unlimited Access to past and new group session recordings – to enhance your learning and growing OUTSIDE of our monthly calls

So....Want to get more focused, organized, and productive than you have EVER been? Let’s see what might happen if you dare to just “read the blogs” to taking the steps to get you to where you want to go, but perhaps have not dared to…. until now.

YES I want to be a Warrior!


Register here

 I’ll be there AND I can’t wait to meet you inside our ZOOM!

p.s. The UNSCATTER ME COMMUNITY is the perfect place to find like minded folks going through the same struggles as you are (too much to do, too little time, how do I focus??) and wanting the same results (off the hamster wheel! Peace and calm! A thriving life AND business.)


Copyright © 2022 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems


Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC