Dear Carol,

As we round out the year, let's sprint into year-end MINDFULLY. 

Whether you are feeling "holiday blues" or "holiday stress" or year end anxiety, it's time to add some invaluable Hope and Perspective to your life and work with me...the green goddess of productivity...through my free group :) 

12 noon to 1pm Eastern, conveniently at lunchtime for those in this time zone~

Here's a preview :)

What are you thinking right now...?

Change your plans; don't miss tomorrow's training and group coaching session.  We'll get you started on that journey to HAVING A GREAT SUPPORT NETWORK!

Wisdom Warriors - INFO/Register


Some words from participants: 

  • I have consumed MOUNTAINS of content and advice on productivity, organization, and getting things done. Yet, the needle did not moving for me. I felt broken
    What was missing was not the insight of a smart accomplished business guru. What was missing was my own inner vision and self-understanding - that's what a true coach works to unlock.


  • “It’s so refreshing to know that other people are going through similar struggles.” (hint: community is key!)


  • “I can’t believe how energized and motivated I am after only one hour.” (wow!)


  • “It’s amazing how easy things seem after this lunchtime group session.” (We cannot see our issues sometimes…we need others to help us get that clarity to move forward…)

I can’t wait to see you there.

Carol Williams

Efficient Productivity Systems

p.s. Don't forget to join my UnscatterMe Facebook Group to connect with one another & learn- learn- learn outside of the monthly sessions!


Copyright © 2021 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC