Dear Carol,

Hands up... who wants to allow more space and time for creativity? YES, we’re talking structure!

Join us for Wisdom Warriors TOMORROW... (December 7) where we’ll be discussing planning, routine, rhythm, and habits, as well as ways to create time and headspace for those special projects that might be slipping through the net.


YES! Save my spot!

 PREVIEW: (3.5 minute watch):

 "Why structuring your days and weeks is NOT bad for you" (more tomorrow 12:00 Noon EASTERN TIME)


What are you thinking right now...? (something like OMG that's Me?)

Change your plans; don't miss tomorrow's training and group coaching session.

I'm IN!

Here are a few words from those who make this a priority:

  • “It’s so refreshing to know that other people are going through similar struggles.” (hint: community is key!)


  • “I can’t believe how energized and motivated I am after only one hour.” (wow!)


  • “It’s amazing how easy things seem after this lunchtime group session.” (We cannot see our issues sometimes…we need others to help us get that clarity to move forward…)

I can’t wait to see you there.


And, if you haven’t already – please join the wonderful Wisdom Warriors Facebook group so you can stay connected, share your journey, and be part of the awesome Wisdom Warriors community.

Carol Williams

Efficient Productivity Systems


Copyright © 2016 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC