Note from Carol 

Does this sound familiar....?

You say "YES!" "Here's how I want to start doing [fill in the business/my exercise/my realtionships, etc.]

And then, what happens? In a week or two, you are doing the same thing you have always done. Then you start feeling badly about yourself and your resistance to change, etc. The negative voices come to dinner. (Nobody likes that kind of uninvited dinner guest...)

Over the years, you begin to think it's true. You begin to truly believe that no matter what, you cannot change your patterns. It's just the way you are.

You are only a little right. 

You CAN change your patterns. And it takes time, perseverance, a deep desire/why and lots of external help.

What do YOU want to be different in your life? Hit reply and let me know!

Featured Article

Breaking the Start/Stop pattern you have had for years

  • Do you find you are always starting and never finishing?
  • Do you love the spark of an idea when it’s fresh and new, but loathe moving a project all the way through to completion?

You are not alone. In fact, a friend of mine just today told me that she is a “ignitor” or “spark” – not an implementor. She had a great idea to raise chickens. Who maintains the coop? Her husband. This friend has gone through a few career changes also and is in the midst of a beautiful change right at the moment.

So, what can be done?

First, love yourself as you are. Know that this is your strength. You are an idea person. The world needs you! So many people out there are “blah blah blah.” They go to work each day and power through life, barely looking up. They are so disconnected with themselves that new ideas don’t have chance. And you are NOT that person!

Read more

NEW!! Get your free ticket to EmpowerMEnow Virtual Summit

Designed to Accelerate Personal Development!

I'm pleased to announce my part in a super cool movement....


The recent pandemic has certainly shaken up the professional world through layoffs, job loss and career shifts. While uncertainty abounds, it is a time to take advantage of opportunities for up-leveling and growth. For these changes, it is paramount to receive the right support, advice, and support in all different areas.

We (the team of kick-butt leaders who collectively are "the empowerment portal") decided to run

The EmpowerMEnow Summit.

A free 3 day online virtual experience to help individuals, decision makers and organizations to help adjust and pivot in all of the following subjects..

We are going to run 6 different themed workshops addressing:

  1. Mental Wellness
  2. Physical Wellness
  3. Career Development
  4. Leadership Growth
  5. Entrepreneurship path
  6. Personal change in times of uncertainty

Whether you are an individual, leading a team or are a decision maker who is experiencing stress or anxiety; faced with looking to change careers, been laid off or facing or leading a change in your current role then this Summit is a MUST attend!

The goal for this summit is different than most. It takes into consideration all the areas that people need help in, in order to get back more balance in their family life, their health while supporting career and change.

For 3 days (July 8-10th), Sabine Matharu and Sharon Bowes from the Empowerment Portal are bringing 6 workshops with a range of industry experts (LIKE ME!) who share short bite-size presentations to help you


  • Increase Mental & Physical wellness
  • Support you’re your career move
  • Leadership Growth tools 
  • Opportunities to start your own business
  • Beat anxiety and boost your resilience during uncertain times


For example, I am going to talk about From Uncertainty to Productivity in 7 Simple Steps.

You can sign up below for free and you will be sent an email with the workshop schedule and the link to join.


You will be automatically able to attend all the workshops. Of course you can choose to attend just the ones that you feel are most relevant to your particular needs.


Book your spot HERE

p.s. If you can’t make it live, you can still register and receive your replays here. 


Want More?

  • Schedule a complimentary 40-minute discovery session here
  • Did someone forward you this newsletter? You can get your own subscription here
  • Have any questions, comments or concern? Leave a note for Carol


Copyright © 2016 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC