Dear Carol,


It's getting warmer. Thoughts of holidays by the ocean, feeling breezes, hiking, getting away....but wait! What about that THING you said you would do?

If you take time this summer will fall bite you "you-know-where?"

Maybe. IS possible to relax, enjoy AND keep your eyes on those most important priorities. Let's get started at Wisdom Warrior tomorrow.

Register now for tomorrow's session. (you will be joining the free community) and...tomorrow will be a bit more "workshop style" than our normal monthly free live group. 

What's to lose? 


What's to gain?

That depends on your desire. For example:

  • We'll get you started on that journey to SMASHING your goals, if that's what you want.
  • If you are like me, we'll get you ENJOYING summer and still making time for the Important pieces of your business and your you Remember to Remember your goals!

If that wasn't enough, I've got a SPECIAL SECRET SUMMER SURPRISE announcement... so make sure you don't miss it!

Here's a preview :)

I'm gonna run this one a bit more like a workshop. Not to be missed.

I can’t wait to see you there.

Carol Williams

Your GreenGoddess of Productivity, Dreams, Deep Purpose and Leveling Up!


p.s.  There will be no Wisdom Warriors in July - Next One is on August 1st.


Copyright © 2022 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC