Dear Carol,

This is your Special Invitation to the Beacon of Light Center, LLC party.

And what is in it for you?

Good question.

If you missed it, I've officially opened the Beacon of Light Center. And I am having a Party. We will do Give Aways.

And we will learn. And have so much fun. Our main learning point will be on the topic of Brain Strength.

Are you ready to harness your brain strength?

Come get organized YOUR way using YOUR brain strength. Ditch the idea that you are "doing it wrong". You are not.

And be sure to join the insider scoop at the UnscatterMe Facebook community, so you can stay connected, share your journey and ask questions without judgement. Connecting there is like coming home. See ya tomorrow???


We'll get you started on that journey to GETTING ORGANIZED and ENHANCING YOUR BRAIN.

As a valued member of the Wisdom Warriors Club, you have unlimited access to our monthly calls and will be getting appointment reminders. I don't want you to miss a thing :)


Here's a preview :)


 I can’t wait to see you there.

Carol Williams

The Beacon of Light Center, LLC

p.s. Don't forget to be super active in YOUR  UnscatterMe Facebook Community to connect with one another outside of the monthly sessions!


Copyright © 2022 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC