Note from Carol 

This month’s topic is 'how to start when you don't know where to start.'

What might that mean for you? Do you ever feel like you can't do "anything" in the current world situation? That planning seems somewhat pointless (long term "and" short term)?

Yesterday, I took a group through my 100 Day Sprint Workshop- (Encore). We did an exercise I call a "brain dump" and it was very enlightening for people. When I asked, after the first hour, how participants felt, I heard "freer." At that point, we had not even gotten into the "why" I can't focus, or the "how/targets" of getting it done. Just the brain dump itself was really fabulous.

Have you ever done a BRAIN DUMP? How often do you do this? Tell me about your process, or, what questions you may have - just hit reply!


Featured Article

How to stop worrying and start doing

For those of us who struggle with procrastination, learning how to stop worrying, and start doing seems like the holy grail.

Most of us have busy lives, whether that’s running a business or running a home – or often both! There are usually things that we naturally tackle, like getting the kids ready for school for example, or checking our emails, but sometimes the other tasks we know we have to do just pile up and become like a mountain we must climb.

When you have so much to do but don’t know where to begin, say hello to overwhelm.

Overwhelm is much like fear and both have a peculiar effect in that they can paralyze us completely. When you have business work and/or ‘life admin’ to combat, it can all just seem too much and this stress, overwhelm, and fear will trigger your brain into fight, flight, or freeze mode.

When fight mode is triggered, you may become a productivity machine and find you’re able to naturally tackle tasks with zest and efficiency. Your brain is fighting to keep you alive in this instance and you get a rush of the hormones and chemicals that gear you up to face things head on.

When flight mode is triggered, your brain and body are attempting to flee a perceived threat. You may even physically feel the fear, overwhelm, and stress through tightness of the chest or a faster heartbeat, for example. This can often manifest as seeking distraction, avoiding the ‘problem’, trying to escape.

And then we have freeze mode. Your mind will be completely overwhelmed, and you become indecisive, inactive, and on shut down. You might catch yourself staring off into space or repeating the same phrase over and over in your mind.

If that sounds familiar, you’re really not alone. There has been a vast amount of studies done on this subject and the results show that this biological response can have real negative impacts on our mental and physical health.

So, what do we do?

Read more


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Copyright © 2016 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC