My latest blog post (below) talks about how you can get past the 'clean and declutter overwhelm', and in this month’s Wisdom Warriors we’ll be delving deeper into how your mindset has you stuck in clutter and what to do about it.

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Featured Article

Secrets to get past the clean and declutter overwhelm

We’re all home. Even those in offices….they may or may not be “really” going back…people are quitting their jobs left and right if they cannot have the flexibility they now know they need and want.

Cool. Who wants to go to an office?

Well one nice thing about leaving (the house) is that when you return you see things differently. You SEE the clutter. Being home, trying to do (does this sound familiar?) WAY too many meals and dishes is overwhelming…it’s like you are drowning in your LIFE.

Now that we can breathe again, spring (OK Summer) cleaning is here! So, what are the secrets to getting past the clean and declutter overwhelm?

1. Forget what everyone else is doing and focus on what YOU need – does the cleanliness of your house bother you? Or are you just comparing yourself and your home to those found on social media? Do you actually care? Often, the pictures uploaded to social media are merely just momentary – then kids, parents, pets, and partners arrive, and the sparkly home has suddenly turned into a scene from Wreck-it Ralph.

2. If you’re going to start – start small – With so many other things to contend with in our lives, decluttering your home is probably not top of your list. However, picking a small space per week, like a kitchen cupboard or clothes drawers is a really good way of starting without feeling overwhelmed. Make a list of all the drawers in all the rooms that you want to declutter and tackle them one by one each week.

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... but you need to register! It's on July 19th at noon Eastern, one hour and right on zoom. We will be discovering if your mindset has you stuck in clutter and what to do about it! 

Don't miss it!

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Copyright © 2021 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems


Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC