Note from Carol 

Everywhere we see "during this time, we are giving you..."  Our school district was even given free lunch. To everybody. Regardless of income. How are you feeling about this? 

>>On one hand, I'm feeling like..."Great! We are all doing our part. How cool is this! Everyone is re-connecting in a human way :)"

>>On the other hand, I'm thinking "learned victimhood."

I'm pretty sure the 2nd one will be met with eyebrows up. What do I mean? How could I be callous in This Time?

As a person who has had multiple traumas in her life, I know this scenario well. To have everything I know to be uprooted. The very essence of Who I am. The before = a wife, a professional landscape architect with a Real Job, a nature-athlete. The after = unemployed, a new person (What's a personal coach anyhow? You are a landscape architect.) (I'm so sorry about your marriage) (Back is out, can't do my running anymore, what is this old-person body thing??)


Victimhood does not work. It was only when I decided to take full responsibility for my own life and happiness that I got out of my pity party. I gave selflessly to myself. And I worked my butt off. And I stopped getting Assistance. And, guess what? More abundance flowed. And it still does.

And it will for YOU. You will get out of this. Stay in the game. Stay with me. I have got you.

Hit REPLY and tell me how you will give, and not OVER-give as if you are not Worth It. Because you ARE worth it. And we will get through this. And we will give. And we will retain and enhance our self worth. And will will give to ourselves so that we maintain our abundance, and give from our overflow.

Featured Article

If it’s better to give than to receive, what’s this Over-Giving thing about and why is it bad?

We would probably all like to think that we’re generous people, giving freely of our time, our support, even our opinions, but what if we give too much? What if we continue giving to such an extent that there really isn’t anything left to give? What then?

What is over-giving?

Let’s start by comparing generous giving with over-giving. Generous giving comes from a place of plenty, where our own needs have been met and we therefore feel able to be bountiful to others. It’s generally done on an impulse and leaves us feeling good about ourselves.

Over-giving, on the other hand, tends to come, not from generosity, but from some hidden need. It’s a transaction where we expect something in return – gratitude, praise or appreciation.

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Copyright © 2016 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC