Note from Carol 


Recently I was talking to some people who completed our last Streamline Your Success Group Coaching course. A theme of Decluttering and Moving (buying a new home and therefore leaving your current home) came up.

What was interesting to note was that decluttering the home created decluttering/ de-stuckifying in other areas of our life, or, our Productivity Success Cake. For example, participants reported being able to get outside and exercise again...even looking forward to a result of decluttering.

It works both ways. Our mindset manifests clutter. Clutter keeps us stuck. How can we unlock this, and start being unstuck and that we can manifest our dreams? 

Read the blog and find out, then hit reply and let me know what step YOU will take!

Featured Article

Uncover the secret to true, decluttered happiness

Our open space leads to an open and clear mind. It seems obvious that productivity and organization can go hand in hand, but when life is feeling like a never-ending rollercoaster, how do you get organized and declutter your mind to make each day as productive as possible?

1. The Brain Dump – the first step to decluttering your mind and your life is by dumping everything that is on your mind, onto a piece of paper, a white board, onto notes on your phone – whatever system works for you. Write down everything, from how you’re feeling that day, to the things you have coming up that week, what you need to get done, emails that need to be sent – whatever is it, write it down, in no particular order. You’ll quickly see that half of the stress comes from trying to keep everything present in your brain when really, we just do not have the capacity to do that.

2. Categorize your thoughts – once your thoughts are out of your mind and onto paper, you’ll be able to categorize the tasks into priorities. Make three columns, urgent, priority and dump. This is a very useful system because it will allow you to see what you have to do and what can either go or wait. For example, getting the shopping in could be a priority as we need to eat but cleaning the oven can probably wait until next month or to another moment in time.

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Copyright © 2021 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC