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Why it can be difficult to sleep with AD/HD and what to do about it

In our last blog, we looked at 3 ways in which you could be compromising your sleep and simple steps to get back onto the path of restful sleep. In this blog, we are focusing on why sleep can be especially difficult with AD/HD and what you can do about it. When you have a mind like a Ferrari with bicycle brakes, the “normal” advice may or may not work for you. I think that all “AD/HD tips” can be used for “anyone” but the reverse is not always true.

While many of us may have occasional difficulty in sleeping, sufferers of AD/HD can experience a variety of sleep disorders, ranging from difficulty sleeping at night, difficulty waking in the morning, interrupted sleep (through sleep apnoea or other causes) and excessive daytime sleepiness. In some cases, this can be exacerbated by medication prescribed for the condition.

Lack of sleep can also aggravate other symptoms, including hyperactivity. When we lack sleep, we tend to say things “without thinking” and sometimes “blow a fuse.” And so it goes! Personal and work relationships can be damaged. You cannot bring your best self to the table. Then you start feeling badly about it. Ugh. So, what can you do to aid a restful night’s sleep?

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Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC