Note from Carol:

Finding Structure and Space.

The resistance is Real. Why is structuring your days and weeks NOT bad for you? Wait, what? Of course it's not. OK. So, then, why don't you? No, I mean "really." Why is it that you are tempted and pulled into "so many things" that are not really work? (or worse, they masquerade as work, yet, they are not profitable and productive...)

As an entrepreneur, we must have this almost steel-trap brain so that our family and the lure of the Next Great Course (but it's such a deal!) does not get the best of us. We have Really Good Stories we tell ourselves. My mom needs me. My kids need me. I was sick. I got out of the groove. I am not feeling well. I don't want to overdo it. I need flexibility. I can stay up later. I can do it all. 

What's your story?

How's that working for you?

What happens if the story stays the same for 30 days? 90 days? A year? 5 years? 10 years? Where will you be?

The ONLY thing that happens is we reap the benefits (or pitfalls) of our habits. Don't like structure? That's ok. We can baby-step it. You don't need to abandon your mom, or your kids and you don't need to become the Evil One. You need to honor YOU. You are worth it. Give yourself permission to look at "you." Do your routine, your way, for the YOU that you want to be in 12 months.

Read the blog and leave me a comment or hit reply :)

PS: Listen to minute 0:50 she talks about "space and structure!" You can have this too!

(click on the image to play)

Featured Article

Why structuring your days and weeks is NOT bad for you

If you resist structure because you want to remain ‘more open’ and flexible, you’re not alone. Resistance takes energy. You only have so much energy. So the first thing to do is change your language. It’s not STRUCTURE or a SCHEDULE or DISCIPLINE (YUCK!!!) It’s Routine. Routine will set you free.

As an entrepreneur, you love flexibility. It’s likely that this is a big reason why you chose this life to start with, yes? To have freedom and flexibility. Want a day off? Take it. No “boss” to ask. Want to go outside for a break then work late? Totally doable. You can go see your kids’ games for a change. You are not “chained” to your desk as if you were working “for the man.”

Many of the people I work with have referred to themselves as “wild horses” or “free spirits.” And this is so beautiful! OR they have said “I just need to discipline myself to stick to a schedule.” From what I have experienced, neither of these thought patterns are helpful to the desired end result: Peace, Productivity, Profits…and FUN….all of these – not either/or.

So then, what’s the problem?

Read more



Coming THIS SUNDAY - an "irresistible special" coming your way! (Never before offered.)

Watch your email this coming Sunday (when you're just about "done" with all that turkey) to find the a high impact and clutter-free cyber Monday deal....

(Don't make me hint at you, okay okay it's a masterpiece of the last few years wrapped in a bow...)


Bonus! Bonus!

Money tips from a very recent interview.

Check out this Interview with me in a "know your numbers" segment...hosted by Business By Design Online. 


 (click on the image to play)


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Copyright © 2016 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC