Note from Carol

"It will only take 10 minutes." Really? Today someone asked me to do a task that was not my priority. It "would only take 10 minutes." I was kind of annoyed because the WHOLE task would take longer. Why? Because it's not a task. It's a mini-project.

She wanted me to do this for her. And I said, "next time." 

How many times have you said yes to something and later you wish you would have said no? That you thought "this will only be a few minutes" and a few hours later you're on tangents you did not know existed? I was pretty proud of myself. I knew that I wanted to give this creative adventure some due diligence, and my schedule did not allow for this based on her deadline. Go, me!

Time management and productivity is NOT about Squeezing More In. It's about discerning your priorities, scheduling them in, allowing for white space in your calendar, and knowing how your heart feels about those last minute requests.

Read the blog and leave me a comment and be sure to scroll to the end for a special treat at the end of next week...

Happy Valentine's week!

Featured Article

Why you have Time Management BACKWARDS

Time. Sometimes we wish we had more of it, sometimes we will it to go quicker, sometimes we feel like it’s running out, sometimes we’re waiting for the right time, and we ALL want to make the most of it!

Is that really possible? To make the most of every nanosecond!

First let’s take some time (see what I did there?!) to explore WHY we have this insatiable craving for MORE time.


At one time “work/life balance was a hot topic. Today, after nearly a year in COVID, most of us are doing some kind of “home hybrid”so let’s think about work and life in terms of integration instead, as they do clearly go hand in hand.

Most of us have it backwards. We “do all the stuff” then “try to find time” for our IKIGAI (thing that lights us up deeply.) Let’s recognize that we all need some ‘play time’ in our days, something unstructured and/or fun, time to unwind and kick off the stresses of the day, but since (mostly) we don’t schedule this into our routines as a necessity, we end up crashing instead and ‘wasting’ that valuable R&R time.

Does this sound familiar?

It has been a long day. So you sit blankly in front of the TV, telling yourself you should be doing something productive, but you just can’t find the energy. (Hint, telling yourself this stuff erases any energy you may have found.) If it’s not TV, you are most likely scrolling aimlessly on social media- or my favorite- both at the same time. Your brain and body in moments like these is rebelling and telling you “I need rest.” You’re escaping into a haze of nothingness and, boy, does it feel good. YES! You need rest. Your primitive brain is taking over; it’s what you need. And as mentioned earlier- then the voice often comes. That niggling voice shaming you and making you feel guilty. NOT HELPFUL. Living like this creates cognitive dissonance. No wonder people drink.

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination - are you experiencing this?

Read more



Announcing something New....ACTION DAY! FREE Next Friday 2/26 (and only $27 in future months)

Is this you?

You know WHAT to do. You just need to DO it...


Join us for the first Action Day next Friday 2/26 from 9-11am Eastern. We will use the Pomodero Technique and Virtual Body Doubles to keep you moving and accountable to yourself. This proven method will blow you away!

This first Action Day is my gift to you, 100% no fee.  Future Action Days will be each month, 4th Friday from 9-11 AM eastern. So sign up and know that if you do NOT like it, you can cancel and your will NOT be charged the $27 monthly starting in March.

You must sign up ahead of time. I am limiting the number of people so don't delay. This is gonna blow your socks off!

Register Now! Action Day- Do it



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Copyright © 2021 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC