Make your worklife smoother and more productive with EpS: Simply Successful

Note from Carol 

This month’s topic is 'interruptions''.

How do YOU feel about being interrupted, have you accepted it as just one of those things, or do you actively try and manage them?

Read the blog and leave me a comment!

I’d love to know.

Featured Article

Interruptions: Why your understanding of interruptions is wrong

So many people think of interruptions as a bad thing. And, they mostly are. They tear away your ability to be productive. But, what if you capitalized on them instead?

There’s lots to say about how Not To Be Interrupted. And mostly, it’s good advice. Heck, I give it. AND have you ever thought about how interruptions are the spice in the bland chicken?

When we release our stranglehold on trying to control everything, life gets easier. When life gets easier, we think more clearly. When we think more clearly, we have really great ideas. And then, instead of jumping from thing-to-thing, we actually have the energy to implement those great (maybe even amazing) ideas. As a (really important) side benefit, I have watched my health improve as I let go.


And I am known for Productivity. What happened? I’ll say it…ready? Real life. The quest for “balance.” I call it Being Real.

Here are some tips to be Real, in the realm of Interruption Management.

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Copyright © 2016 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC