Make your worklife smoother and more productive with EpS: Simply Successful

Note from Carol

Sickness. Weather. Unexpected turns.  "I need a roadmap to wiggle around all this!" You asked, we're doing it!

To follow our first Lunchtime Love day on March 6th - Many of you asked for a recording. I have one better, another opportunity! Last time, several of us learned new skills and techniques to get more done in less time, and to stay focused when the going gets rough. We brushed up on some strategies that we perhaps already knew, of but were reminded about.  I had a request for a Wiggle Map….and that’s what we’ll do on April 3, so be sure to tune in!  To get you ready for that, notice what is getting in your way.

- Carol Williams

Preparing to Wiggle: MON. APRIL 3 AT NOON (Eastern)- but what can I do *now*?

When hear yourself say, “hey….what’s all this stuff getting in my way”?

Then ask yourself:

  • Is this really a stumbling block or is it truly my own resistance? (Change is not for the weak or faint of heart!)
  • How might I re-frame what’s happening now? (hint: There’s ALWAYS more than one way to look at a situation!)
  • Is this barrier IN my control or OUT of my control? (hint: Even when something is not your doing….there’s “something” that’s always in your control…)

Then ask yourself:

What KINDS of things are getting in my way? Some things could be:

  • The weather or other natural event such as earthquake, tornado, etc.
  • Illness (you or another family member)
  • The sales goal that was not made by you
  • An accident (car crash, fall, etc).
  • Lack of motivation/procrastination
  • Co-worker/supervisor being unsupportive or negative/difficult

Then ask yourself:

What is in my control? Out of my control?

At that point…..

Get ready to wiggle with me on 4/3! (Even if you are NOT bicycling in San Francisco)


Watch for the call-in information coming very soon!

“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."

- Albert Einstein

Another Success with EpS

“Before coaching, I was feeling unprofessional and unable to see a path. I was busy for busy’s sake and it was overwhelming. I spent my time focused on staff and others as ‘the problem.’ I did get stuff done, but not the stuff I wanted to get done. I was afraid that, if I started working on all the stuff I wanted to do, it would consume my life. So, I procrastinated, which only made me more harried.

I had to do ‘something’- and identified with Harried Helen in Carol’s presentation; too many piles and pulled in too many directions. Why not try coaching? I was a bit skeptical and concerned that I could not afford one hour per week for this.  It was well worth the time.

At the end of 2016, although I had double the workload of 2015, I did more work in less time, with less stress. Here is the exciting part: I don't work every weekend anymore. I have my life back. I still can’t believe I am saying that.

Year end of 2015 I was working 10 to 15 hours every weekend and putting in 2-3 late nights at work. Now, I do work at work. Yes, I do put in the very occasional weekend hour, but I can go away on a business trip for the week and catch up within a day.

I actually can say I like being organized; being harried is no longer comfortable as it once was. I never thought I’d say that. The coaching process with Carol is liberating. I have taken back control.”

-Kathi Doucet, Human Resources Manager, Concord, NH

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Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC