Make your worklife smoother and more productive with EpS: Simply Successful


Dear Carol

What’s all this ‘saying no’ stuff and why is it so difficult to say such a little word?  Come to our lunch club this month. We’ll be digging into this word, discussing why we say 'yes' when we mean 'no' and giving you lots of tips in ways you can say no and mean no, but do it kindly.  See you then! 


Wondering if it’s worth it? Know that you get the first session, free, always. Try before you buy. Unconditional 30 day guarantee…it’s not money BACK, it’s money you won’t spend. Not until time #2 of attending. Yippeee!

And, you might be wondering, what do I stand to gain? Here are a few words from those who have been coming for a couple of years:

  • “It’s so refreshing to know that other people are going through similar struggles.” (hint: community is key!)
  • “I can’t believe how energized and motivated I am after only one hour.” (wow!)
  • “It’s amazing how easy things seem after this lunchtime group session.” (We cannot see our issues sometimes…we need others to help us get that clarity to move forward…

I can’t wait to see you there. Membership has its privileges. And being a lunch club member means you get me once a month, you can count on it, along with ALL the past recordings, completely free, and community as well! Wow!

Here is what is in store for 2019:

April - The Fine Art of “No”
May - From Scattered to Serene
June - Streamlining Tasks Effortlessly
July - The Hidden Fear of Success
August - Procrastination
September - Interruptions
October - Perfection
November - Sleep: The Secret Sauce
December - Morning Success = Lasting Success

Book here if you are a client

Book here if you are not a client

Book here if you are a past client in the last 12 months

I can’t wait for you to join us!

Carol Williams

Efficient Productivity Systems


Copyright © 2016 EpS - Efficient Productivity Systems

Carol Williams
Beacon Of Light Center LLC